Erice (Erice) is a small town in the western part of Sicily located on the top of the mountain . It seems to be floating , soaring in the clouds, at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. According to legend, Eryx (Erice), son of the goddess of love and fertility Venus, built on top of the mountain majestic temple in honor of his mother, and thus founded the city , which was named after him. In the XII century the castle surrounded by high walls was built on the place of the temple . It also was named in honor of the goddess of love - Venus. Nowadays, the castle is owned by municipality of Erice and it is the venue for wedding ceremonies on the sea


Fascinating panorama of the immensity of the sea with prominent outlines the Egadi Islands on the horizon opens from the terrace of the castle. For centuries, the beauty of landscapes, calm of the place and fog enveloping the mountain attracted , fascinated and contributed to the fact - Erice became a favorite place for meditation and romantic holidays for those who appreciate fine present moment in its close connection with the mysterious and fascinating past. The wedding ceremony in the castle by the sea is both exciting and peaceful.....



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