Bridal make-up has its own characteristics that distinguish it from the business or everyday makeup. Our wedding makeup artist considers the color of your hair, eyes, face shape, eyebrows, lips, skin tone, the wedding dress and accessories. Bridal make-up should be fully combined with the selected image. Our masters also consider the day time of the ceremony, the season, the weather conditions. The necessary requirement for the wedding makeup is its durability. After all, every bride on their wedding day kisses relatives, tears of joy, supports dazzling flashes of cameras and bright rays of italian sun, and more, but in spite of that she should be compelling from the beginning to the end of the celebration. This is only possible thanks to the work of our professional wedding makeup artists.
For a perfect wedding makeup, we suggest to meet our make-up artist a day before the wedding and to make a test make-up. It will give you confidence and will help to avoid some unexpected nuances.
The work of a wedding hairdresser is no less important. A good hairdresser knows how to enhance the beauty and individuality of the bride with her hair. The choice of the right hairstyle is very important. It completes the bride image, making it more attractive, elegant and unique!
You can meet our hairdresser a day before wedding, to make a test hairstyle, or on the wedding day, previously sending by email the photo with desired hairstyle.
We will arrange an appointment with a makeup artist and with a hairdresser at the hotel or at the villa you choose to stay in or in the beauty salon of our partner.
Your reflection in the mirror will make you happy, and your happy mood will be divided with the groom and with all the guests. Nobody will doubt that is your day, and you are the best!